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AMIS Secretariat
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy

Tel: (+39) 06 570 53539
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AMIS provides unique partnership, according to evaluation

10 Apr 2018

In an effort to continuously improve activities and outputs, the AMIS Secretariat commissioned two independent evaluations: One looking at the interplay between Secretariat member organizations and their interaction with AMIS participating countries; the other focused on AMIS capacity building activitis.

The respective reports were published recently. They recognize the unique partnership established through AMIS "that not many other initiatives allow". Stakeholders voiced particular appreciation for the reliability of AMIS data and the high quality of the methodologies used. Specifically on the capacity building activities, the evaluation found that the "ability to understand and work with government processes and stakeholders was one important contributing factor for the achievement of the results."