17th session of the Global Food Market Information Group

09 Apr 2020

The 17th session of the Global Food Market Information Group met (virtually) on 9 April 2020 to discuss the current market situation of the AMIS crops and, most importantly, reflect on potential implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for global food markets and global food security. While meeting participants regarded the global food supply situation as generally comfortable, they also recognized the many risks associated to the crisis, including implications for trade and logistics, food supply chains, and vulnerable countries. 

While AMIS focuses mainly on wheat, maize, rice and soybeans, meeting participants expressed a strong desire that the initiative play an active role in helping alleviate threats to global food markets and global food security more broadly. An extraordinary meeting of G20 Agriculture Ministers scheduled for 21 April will further review potential options for an international response to the crisis, including by working closely with the AMIS Secretariat and participating countries.